Monday, January 14, 2013


I'm (obviously) a little late with this post but I've been busy so we'll all have to give me a pass this once.  I might do it again some day so please forgive that in advance. 

Christmas was spent with some of our extended  family and we had a nice time for the most part.  I say for the most part because it was kind of stressful, as Christmas sometimes can be, and I was very sick for the holiday which took a bit of the fun out of it for me.  I had scheduled a week off to spend with Ruckus and was sick the entire time.  There are those people who say that moms don't get sick days and they are so right because in spite of my illness I still had to do everything I normally do, plus entertain and be entertaining for out of town family who were visiting us for the first time in a year.

Most of the family was able to gather together at my mom's house the Saturday before Christmas, in spite of a mondo snow storm which settled in the area the day before.  All told about seven feet of snow fell in the surrounding mountains which made travel difficult for most of us, and impossible for my aunt and cousin.  We had a nice dinner with my mom and brother and nephews, and Ruckus seemed to have a good time. 

On Christmas day I asked my family over to open presents Christmas morning and stay for a nice turkey lunch.  Ruckus is still too young to really know what Christmas is but he did help open a few presents and seemed to enjoy the things Santa brought for him.  He got a sweet wagon from Grandma, and a scooter from Santa, as well as a couple of very cool guitar toys and lots of big boy clothes.  He is going to be in size 2T so the wardrobe additions and new shoes couldn't have come at a better time.

The day after Christmas I took down the tree and put all of the Christmas clutter into storage for another year.  I don't usually take it all away so quickly but having a toddler in the house changes things, and the added stress of keeping him from knocking over the tree or smashing the ornaments to shards was getting to me.  It was really a nice holiday and I was glad when it ended.

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