Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Plus

Ruckus started a new daycare yesterday.  It is a regular daycare, where kids of all ages go before and after school, or like my son, all day when they are too young for school.  It is less than half a mile from my work, so I can pop over and check on him, or scoop him up quickly should he be ill.

When I dropped him off yesterday morning he screamed and pounded on the glass door as I walked away.  It broke my heart and I cried a little on the way to work.  I was not expecting this, as he never cried when I left him at Tiffany's house.  But Tiffany seemed to neglect his needs, whereas Ruckus had a nap, ate his peas and carrots, and drank at least 10 ounces of milk yesterday at the new place.  When I picked him up he was happy to see me, but not so overjoyed as to make me think that he'd had a bad day.  There are a lot of nice ladies who work there, and I think they try their best to take care of him.

He screamed and carried on again when I dropped him off this morning, so my heart is once again bruised, and I'm full of anxiety that he hates it there and I'm a terrible mom for leaving him.  I am trying to keep in mind that he is just having a little trouble adjusting to this new schedule and a new place, and that it will get better as time goes by.  Of course logic and emotions do not always agree.

His classmates are all of a similar age to him.  Yesterday there was the skinny white girl who I described a few months ago, and whose name I can't recall, and a little boy named Trey.  Poor Trey was still there when I picked up Ruckus last night.  This morning Skinny White Girl was missing and there was a big eyed boy named Rodney in her place, and the ever present Trey, who seems like a happy kid.

We'll see how things go today with him, and hopefully the drop gets a little easier for us both as time goes on.

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