We have struggled for months with my son's eczema. I've invested many dollars in supposed cures and none of them have worked even a little, yet we have smeared them on several times a day while crossing our fingers and hopping on one foot, and chanting secret words in the hopes that one day, it will all come together and his face will be 'pretty' once again. All for naught. His pediatrician recommended that we try Curel's hand cream, a 99 cent purchase I made at a grocery store, and within a week his face is looking 100% better. For less than a dollar. Hurray! I am, of course, upset that I have spent and wasted so much money for nothing up to this point, on the advice of a different pediatrician, but I'll just have to get over that. His eczema is by no means gone but there is marked improvement and that gives us hope.
For about a month my son has been growing his first tooth. It broke the skin after a doozy of a couple of days filled with screaming and fussiness and general exasperation on the part of his parents. We were much relieved when it finally made an appearance and things settled down to a more manageable level of noise. The past couple of weeks have been spent feeling it, rubbing it, and watching its slow upward progress as it makes its presence more apparent. Speculation abounded on when its neighbor, tooth number two, would join its trail blazing brethren.
The wait is over! Tooth Number Two has arrived, and none too soon. The crankiness was turned up a notch over this past weekend and not much sleep has been had, but thankfully it was all for a good reason and not just my child being moody and hard to deal with. Last night in particular was the stuff that terrible parenting type movies are made of. Ruckus cried and fussed long into the night, and refused the comforts of his father in spite of the fact that Mom had to get up and greet the world today. So I'm greeting the world on four hours sleep. Sure, faces are a little blurry at this level of sleep deprivation but I know that this too shall pass. At least until the next two teeth decide to make an appearance. I'm not sure if I should hope for one at a time in order or two at once next time to get the torture over with more quickly! Regardless, the first tooth now has a friend and we will all (hopefully) sleep a little easier tonight.
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